Jakso 5. Täydellinen palokatkotuotesarja

Tehokkaat Nullifire-ratkaisut

Nullifire tuoteperhe tarjoaa tuotteita, järjestelmiä ja ratkaisuja erityyppisiin saumauksiin, putkistojen, kaapelien ja sähköisten läpivientien palokatkoihin seinissä ja lattioissa. Alla olevassa kuvassa on ohjeellinen yleiskatsaus tuotteistamme ja ratkaisuistamme. Lisätietoa saat ottamalla yhteyttä tekniseen neuvontaan, autamme mielellämme!

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Nullifire-tuotteet ja ratkaisut

Napsauta kuvan alla olevia numeroituja otsikoita löytääksesi vastaavat yksityiskohtaiset tiedot.

1. Liitokset puuvalmisteisten palo-ovien ympärillä

Palo-ovilla/ kerrostaso-ovilla on tärkeä tehtävä estää ja hidastaa tulipalon leviäminen rakennuspalon yhteydessä. Siksi on tärkeää kiinnittää huomiota paloturvallisuuteen ovia ympäröivissä saumoissa. Nullifire FF197 palovaahto on erinomainen ratkaisu puuvalmisteisten palo-ovien palosaumauksiin.

2. Linear joints in walls

Linear joints in walls

Fire stopping at linear joints within wall cavities and voids is important in order to stop the spread of flames and smoke in a fire situation. Nullifire range offers a few options for fire stopping linear joints.

3. Cable penetrations in walls

Cable trays and other cable penetrations through fire rated walls have to be appropriately fire stopped in order to stop the smoke and fire from spreading throughout the building. Nullifire offers several options for fire stopping these, for all required fire ratings.

    4. Mixed penetrations in walls

    Fire stopping mixed penetrations can be complex to solve, as different materials react differently to fire and need different fire stopping products. Nullifire offers solutions for all types of penetrations, wheather they are installed together or separately. We have also a new product coming up soon FI025 Intuflex Insulation Wrap. In this detail it has been used around copper pipe, but it is also suitable for other penetration types. Watch this space!

    5. Combustible pipe penetrations in floors

    Nullifire offers efficient fire stopping solutions for combustible pipe penetrations in floors, for all required fire ratings. In this detail, you can see Nullifire FP170 Intumescent Collar, which is installed below the floor, but there are also other options available. FP170 can be used for applications in walls and floors. See detail 9. which is an example of a wall installation.

    6. Cable bundle penetrations in floors

    Nullifire offers efficient solutions for fire stopping cable penetrations in floors, for all required fire ratings. The image on the left is illustrating the use of Nullifire FS709 Intumescent Sealant, but there other options available as well.

      7. Cable ladder penetrations in floors

      Nullifire offers several options for all required fire ratings for fire stopping cable ladders in floors. In this detail you can see our FR230 Fire Stopping Compound. 

      FR230 is used to stop the spread of fire and smoke around services that pass through compartment walls and floors, whilst providing an unsupported load bearing capacity. The system also provides thermal, acoustic and air sealing performance.

      FR230 is suitable for the following service penetrations; single and bunched cables, cable trays, cable ladders, trunking, non-combustible pipes, ducting/damper penetrations* and combustible pipes.

      8. Electrical sockets in partition walls

      Fire stopping electrical sockets in partition walls is important, in order to stop fire and smoke spreading throughout the building in a fire situation. The solution for electrical sockets is Nullifire FO100 Putty Pad.

      FO100 is a non-setting, intumescent, silicone based putty pad for sealing around plastic and metallic electrical backing boxes. FO100 is designed to reinstate the fire integrity, of masonry walls and drywalls when penetrated by an electrical backing box, eliminating the requirement for a baffle box. 

      9. Combustible pipe penetrations in partition walls

      Fire stopping combustible pipe pentrations in partition walls is important in order to stop the fire and flames spreading throughout the building in a fire situation. Nullifire offers several solutions for this kind of penetration, for all required fire ratings. However, in this detail, you can see Nullifire FP170 Intumescent Collar installed on both sides of the wall.

      FP170 Intumescent Pipe Collars are designed to maintain the fire resistance of floors and walls when penetrated by combustible pipes. Under fire conditions, the intumescent filler expands to many times its original thickness exerting pressure on the softening pipe and closing the opening with a dense block of fire resistant char. FP170 may additionally be used around insulated combustible pipes or continuously insulated non-combustible pipes. 

      10. Linear joints in floors

      Our recommended solution for fire stopping floor joints is Nullifire FJ203.  It is a fire stopping rod and it is used together with Nullifire FS703, in a same manner than joint backer rod is used, but it is made of rock wool that is covered with fibre glass threads. 

      FJ203 is an efficient way of fire stopping expansion joints between masonry elements, with a minimum thickness of 200 mm. It has also been tested for the fire stopping  of vertical and horizontal joints between precast concrete panels from a thickness of 120 mm.

      11. Nullifire intumescent coatings for steel protection

      Nullifire also offer intumescent coatings range for fire protection of steel. We are proud to be the only one in the market, who can provide a one stop shop for all passive fire protection needs of the entire building envelope. 

      If you are interested also in steel protection, see our complete steel protection range in the intumescent coatings section of our website by clicking here.

      What Does Nullifire stand for?

      We are specialists, with one focus that has not and will not change – to protect people and buildings from fire. Passive fire protection is highly complex but crucially important, especially as buildings become more sophisticated. We understand the need to have confidence in fire protection so, we provide integrated systems that perform when they are called upon.

      Alongside our market leading Nullifire intumescent coatings for the protection of steel structures, fire stopping products provide outstanding passive fire protection solutions to service penetrations, movement joints and linear gaps along with unique interfacing solutions.

      With a knowledgeable team of technical experts, everything is focused on providing what our customers need at every stage of their project – smart protection.

      Nullifire Hero saves future buildings

      Future buildings will be saved by new Nullifire products, solving new fire stopping challenges.

      There are always new building designs and circumstances effecting Fire Protection of linear joints, cable and pipe penetrations and building structures. Requirements and legislation can and will change and might get stricter and stricter.

      Nullifire is prepared and keeps on giving the correct solutions to future challenges in Fire Protection.